I'm Christina, age 33 and on October 29th 2012, I flew from London Heathrow to New Delhi, India, the first stop of many on my Around the World adventure. Now, almost exactly a year later (when I wrote this article) and after 9 months in South East Asia, I'm in Australia starting a new adventure, working as well as travelling in a new country. Plus, in a complete first; I'm in the southern hemisphere!
It's always been a dream of mine to travel but most of the time I just kept telling myself...one day! University, work, money issues, no one to go with: they all seemed to just get in the way. But then I realised that they don't have to get in the way, if you refuse to let them. So after a particularly hard few winter months in the UK, spending but unable to save any money for what I hoped would one day bring travel, I decided to quit my perfectly dreamy job as an Assistant Editor on Disney and Marvel Childrens books and travel the world that same year.

So I quit my job in May 2012, sold my car, moved from Bath back to Cambridge to live with my parents, worked 2-3 jobs for 4 months, saved my little ass off, booked everything, said my goodbyes...and on 29th October, I did it, I began the gypsy life I'd always dreamed of. Proof that you can make it happen with a giant step fueled by passion, and a little hard work!
I began this blog not only for my friends, family, fellow travellers and wanna-be's, but also for myself and perhaps my own children and grandchildren, so that I and they and you, can hold onto the memories. So that I can inspire others to make the leap into the unknown, take on the dilemmas solo travel can throw at you, experience the beauty, and immerse in the culture.

So how could I not share all those memories, how could I not write them down for your amusement?!
I hope you enjoy my Yolo ramblings. :-)
P.S - Take a look at my Pinterest Travel Board for some Travel Inspiration!
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