22nd Jan 2012 - Day 2 of Bangkok
We awoke late morning, and decided we really needed to get out of our stuffy box of a room for food and water. So we took a quick trip to 7/11 for water and some supplies we'd run out of, when the security guard called to us and instantly recognised us from the night before - how weird!
We then went for food and some shopping down Khao San for bright t-shirts for Koh Phangan/full moon party and sat in Silk Bar for a bit.During our shopping trip we also encountered the tuk tuk driver who we tried to steal the tuk tuk off of last night - again he recognised us! 'You the crazy people from last night trying to steal my tuktuk! Funny Funny, you and your friends jumping on it!' Lol Uh Oh, we'd begun to get a reputation amongst the locals along Khao San!
It was then time for some street food (street Pad Thai - rice noodles and chicken with peanuts, fish sauce, soya sauce, egg, beansprouts and chili - is the best and so cheap at £1). Then it was time to get ready for a night out again.
We started in Golf Bar where they 'don't ask for ID' like everywhere in Thailand lol then onto Silk Bar again. Laith decided not to come out that night but we randomly met Aaron again and some other guys - we literally started with just two of us, which turned into 4 once the guy from New Zealand and the guy from somewhere in Europe sat with us, then Aaron turned up, then a guy from Brazil and a guy from South Africa joined, and then a guy from France, and then a few guys from somewhere else - and then a guy from New York!! It was literally just one after the other and before we knew it we had a whole group of us together! We got shisha's and buckets and buckets of alcohol, me and Aaron were dancing down the street trying to recruit even more people into out group.
The bar next door had a load of lady-boys dancing to Gangnam Style - which is still huge in Thailand! So we all decided to dance behind them in the middle of the street to try and learn the moves. You can imagine around 6 of us behind these lady-boys, completely messing up their dance and trying to copy their amazing moves, while all the party-goers in the middle of Khao San watched on - probably wincing.
We then went and tried on some more awesome funky sunglasses, this time me and Nikki actually bought some! Again, I don't remember much else from this night, all I do know is we made plans with Aaron to meet up the next day before he left for Koh Phangan. Oh and in my crazy drunken state, I decided to buy one of those crazy wooden frogs that you scrape to make a ribbit noise - from the women who sells them by walking up and down the road following you. It made us go mad the first time we were in Thailand so thought I'd get one.
We awoke late morning, and decided we really needed to get out of our stuffy box of a room for food and water. So we took a quick trip to 7/11 for water and some supplies we'd run out of, when the security guard called to us and instantly recognised us from the night before - how weird!
We then went for food and some shopping down Khao San for bright t-shirts for Koh Phangan/full moon party and sat in Silk Bar for a bit.During our shopping trip we also encountered the tuk tuk driver who we tried to steal the tuk tuk off of last night - again he recognised us! 'You the crazy people from last night trying to steal my tuktuk! Funny Funny, you and your friends jumping on it!' Lol Uh Oh, we'd begun to get a reputation amongst the locals along Khao San!
It was then time for some street food (street Pad Thai - rice noodles and chicken with peanuts, fish sauce, soya sauce, egg, beansprouts and chili - is the best and so cheap at £1). Then it was time to get ready for a night out again.
The bar next door had a load of lady-boys dancing to Gangnam Style - which is still huge in Thailand! So we all decided to dance behind them in the middle of the street to try and learn the moves. You can imagine around 6 of us behind these lady-boys, completely messing up their dance and trying to copy their amazing moves, while all the party-goers in the middle of Khao San watched on - probably wincing.
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