Tuesday 9 April 2013

Khao San Road shinnanigans

Had a lie-in, then Maura checked out as her bus was this evening. Didn't do too much today, just went for a meal down Rambuttri at a cheap restaurant (hello amazing Thai curries again), then went on a shopping spree down Khao San market stalls! I got myself 3 new dresses, some earrings, a few more of my favourite vest tops with unique designs on (none of that tacky Khao San crap!), went for a refreshment drink, then headed back to the hostel where I met some new additions to our dorm room (Montana from Germany and Jack from Australia) and Maura waited around for her bus. I had a clothes haul in my backpack (chucked some things away) to make room for the new things I'd bought. Then just chatted for a while, I gave Montana some tips on Cambodia as she was headed there tomorrow.

Then it was time to say goodbye to Maura, travelled 6 weeks together - and we survived! The hostel gang and I then all went for food at another restaurant down Rambuttri, then went for drinks back at the bar we went to yesterday. Showed Montana the awesome loos which she also found fascinating. Met Salai again. Had another Shisha and Montana went back as she had to get up early tomorrow. So it was just me and the guys!

We decided around 10pm that we'd head to 7/11 for some cheap drinks and sit back at the hostel to pre-drink before our planned night out. So we grabbed some beers and red bull (I had some vodka back at the hostel) and headed back, telling Salai we'd meet her after her shift finished. When we got back we realised Montana was sleeping so we'd have to find somewhere else to drink - which turned out to be our 'Balcony' which was literally a narrow little caged-in outside area, with old radiators, toilets and god knows what else on it - it would just have to do! We were joined by Nati, (Israel/UK) who had just arrived and so it was the 4 guys and myself, but James stayed behind as he wasn't feeling too well. Once we'd chatted, messed around and drank our alcohol, we then went back to the bar to pick up Salai, (though apparently it took us half hr to walk down Khao San because I was too busy chatting, greeting, hugging and dancing with almost every person I met along the way). Salai needed to head back to her place round the corner to change and pick up her friend so I joined them and we messed around for a bit, not realising how long we'd been (the guys waited an hour for us - woops!! lol)

Then it was off to The Club, an indoors club along Khao San, it was way better than dancing in the outside bars in the heat - an air-conditioned club - bliss! We were here until closing time at 4am, dancing, drinking, doing crazy things. Then we were all hungry so Salai told us about a place she knew round the corner for food - it took frickin' ages to get there (or maybe it was just ages cos we were all plastered so it was an effort to walk in straight lines), and when we got there...it was closed!! So back to Khao San we went where we had street Pad Thai, we had lost Jack in the process, and Nati decided I couldn't eat on my own (to be fair I was dropping my food everywhere) so he fed me, then fed Falk. We tried some of the crazy spicy food the girls had got and then said our goodbyes and made our way back to the hostel around 6am. We tried not to make too much noise but it was impossible, I'm sure we woke the entire hostel up. Jack was back in his bed so at least he'd found his way back, then we all just passed out!

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